Sunday, March 18, 2012

mo' money, mo' problems

I think someone wise and famous said that once, but I don't believe them. I currently have no money, and I have tons of problems! I can't imagine what it's like to have extra money, and to not be living paycheck to paycheck. This is mostly my fault; stupid credit card spending when I was younger and not being able to save anything, ever. Right now I have 1 1/2 jobs (half, because one job is currently only temporary), which is enabling me to pay for things I have to pay for, like rent, utility bills, and car insurance. I'm going to throw gasoline in that category too. Whatever is leftover is divvied up between groceries and other necessities (soap, toilet paper, etc.). There is usually a little leftover after that, because I'm a very frugal (see: cheap) grocery shopper...but instead of saving it I go out to eat, or buy a new shirt. I justify buying that shirt by telling myself that I haven't had any discretionary income for so long that I deserve to treat myself to something (don't get me wrong, it's still cheap Target/F21 stuff). Then I immediately get buyer's remorse after I leave the store, not because I don't like the item, but because I know that I have such limited funds and I should be saving. Budgeting is so hard for me! I'm going to try and get better at it, though. I need to physically write down how much money I'm going to allocate to each category. And then make sure I actually stick to that budget.

How do you guys budget your money? Any tips for someone who makes too many impulse purchases? Travel-sized/purse-sized products are my weakness. Help me save money so I can make real, adult purchases someday!

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