Friday, March 2, 2012

i'm too old to wake up feeling like p. diddy

Yes, there was a time when I practiced my legal right to drink an adult beverage or two (or six). I even successfully shotgunned a beer once, as seen above (I don't recommend it. My stomach felt like a balloon afterward). But now I'm older and wiser [see: nauseous after a few beers, unable to function if even the least bit hungover], and going out and getting ~totally wasted~ just isn't appealing to me anymore. This generally wouldn't be a problem, except I live in a college town, with people who are younger than me and have experience, I guess (and by that I just mean that I've been alive longer). They enjoy drinking copious amounts of alcohol and going out to the bars (bars I've been patronizing since I turned for awhile, now) and since that's not really my scene anymore, I get left out. They don't understand why I don't want to go out or get drunk all the time, because they are young and still have a few years left before they'll get tired of it too. They don't understand why I'd rather stay home in my sweatpants watching Netflix instead of getting all dressed up to go grind on people in dingy bar basements. Dingy bar basements full of fresh 21 year olds [see: the most obnoxious type of drunks].

To show you I'm not biased, here I am, being one of those obnoxious 21 year old drunks. 

....and again, here.

I don't blame my youthful friends for wanting to go out and enjoy their college experience, but I wish they'd understand why it's just not my cup of tea anymore. And then maybe join me for a round of shuffleboard at the community center.

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