Thursday, August 2, 2012

diy ombre? dip dye? something.

My lovely friend Lucy agreed to help me turn my hair from brunette to half-brunette, and this is the outcome! It's not perfect (one side is blonder than the other, but I didn't feel like putting more bleach in, letting it sit, then washing it out. Again. Because I'm lazy.), and it's definitely not dry or styled in either of these pics, so it's yet to be seen how it will look on a daily basis. Actually, I usually wear my hair up because it's in an awkward stage, which is why I wasn't that scared about the dye job looking like crap. If it does, oh well! If it doesn't, then cool, I may actually style my hair on occasion!

My hair stylist friends are probably shaking their heads disapprovingly at me right now...... I'm sorry, friends! I'm poor and this was a cheaper solution to my boredom with my hair! I promise when I make real money I will come to you for all my styling and coloring needs. 

Edited to add this photo of it curled: 


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