Thursday, June 28, 2012

my month in instagram photos

Accidental Industry Summer 2012 Fashion Show at Brenton Skating Plaza in downtown Des Moines.

Treasures I brought home from Charleston, kitchen decor, Summer Woodchuck.

So You Think You Can Dance, new drinkware at Raygun, pool day, Angry Orchard.

Friday, June 22, 2012

be a good host

I recently had lunch with my lovely friend Betsy in a new restaurant in downtown Des Moines called Host. The decor is cute and shabby chic (reminded me of the restaurants I went to when I was down in Charleston), and the menu is comprised of comfort food made with mostly local ingredients. Of course I had to snap a few pictures while I was in there!

I got the chicken pot pie. So delicious!

Visit their website here, and their Facebook here. And if you're local, visit them (and eat some food) at 1220 Locust Street!

what i've been wearing recently

 *Don't mind my professional photography....I usually take these pictures quickly before I leave for work, so I don't have time to set up a real camera/I don't have one.

Tank: RAYGUN. Skirt: Target. Wooden bangle: Voz, via RAYGUN (only available in store).

Shirt: Forever 21. Skirt: Target. Belt: thrifted. Wooden bangle: Voz, via RAYGUN.

Tank: Target. Skirt: Forever 21. Wedges: Target. Wooden bangle: Voz, via RAYGUN.

And just to keep it real, this is what you will find me wearing when I'm too lazy to try, which is most times.

T-shirt: RAYGUN. Tank: Target. Leggings: Forever 21.

mom cat

On Wednesday after work, I rushed off to the Animal Rescue League of Iowa with Lucy to find myself a new little buddy. On the way there we saw a SUV with a license plate that said "MOMCAT"! We saw it as a good omen, and also wished we had that on our license plates. There are so many cute kittens and older cats at ARL Main! I wanted to play with them all, but alas, I only had 30 minutes to pick out my new friend and start the paperwork (and of course I had to do it then, I couldn't wait until the next day), so I picked one and then waited not so patiently for a "hug room" to open up. I played with Brooke for about 5 minutes before I knew she was the one! Of course, by then it was too late to process adoptions, but I got the paper work started and then headed to the store to get supplies. Yesterday was my day off, so I got up bright and early and went as soon as they opened. We were bffs as soon as I got her home and out of the crate. She follows me around and tries to sleep on my face and watches Netflix with me! So far she's been the greatest little 8 month old ever (besides a few annoyances when I was trying to sleep). I spent all of yesterday trying out different names on her ('Brooke' just wasn't doing it for me), and finally, around 9pm or so, landed on Rooney. Rooney Bellatrix. I don't know why exactly, because Rooney the band is not my favorite band, and Rooney Mara is not my favorite actress....but I just think it fits her. I'm afraid she might have the kitty cold that the doctor at the ARL told me about, which means I'm going to have to go back and get medicine for her. A few seconds ago she sneezed multiple times, and snot flew out of her nose and landed on her leg (kind of like a real baby). I felt like a real mom, when I was wiping it off of her, trying not to be grossed out.

So now I'm a mom cat, and you should expect more posts containing pictures of my kitteh. In fact, here are some meow! See what I did there?

our first photo booth session together

Thursday, June 14, 2012

sherman hill, 50309

I officially moved to Des Moines on Sunday! And I've been without internet or cable (one of which is going to stay that way, because I'm too poor) ever since. Life has been pretty bleak. But I finally got those bums at Internet Solver to hook me up apparently they don't know how to receive email attachments..... and now I'm back to civilization! Which, btw, is the only reason I woke up at 9am on my day off. I had been checking my email in between sleeping sessions since 7am, and when I finally got the email I had been waiting for, I was too excited to go back to sleep.

So fear not, loyal readers (all 3 of you)! I'm connected to the world again, in a new city, and will hopefully be able to blog about far more exciting things like the Accidental Industry Summer 2012 Fashion Show, that is happening this Saturday at Brenton Skating Plaza!

Thursday, June 7, 2012