Thursday, November 8, 2012

annnnd some updates

Speaking of's the final picture from the Salon W shoot I did a few weeks ago

Photo courtesy of Salon W

Also, I did a much needed update to the Blogroll! With a special nod to other Des Moines bloggers! If you wanted to be added to the list/exchange links, let me know.

it's hard being really really ridiculously good looking

Jokes, jokes. I actually don't think I'm all that great looking, tbh. I mean, I don't think I'm a hideous monster or anything, but I've never thought of myself as a beautiful swan. I especially don't think I'm photogenic, and have voiced that opinion many times on here and in real life. Despite all that, my friends asked me to be a part of a photoshoot for a project masterminded by my friend Lucy Shay, and shot by other friends Jen & Tim Mitchard. I haven't seen the photos yet (I get to on Sunday, though, and I'm so excited!), but here's a sneak peek:

Photo: @iamloucee, Hair/makeup: Lindsey Mollenhauer, Stylist: Lucy Shay